George Davis Journal of Science and Technology

George Davis Journal of Science and Technology
Instructions for Authors

All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via this email below:

Please do not send a print copy of your submission.


The style of the manuscript should conform to currently acceptable usage in matters of grammar and syntax.


The Journal accepts manuscripts in English only.


Original Articles should include a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, no more than 7 tables and figures, and no more than 40 references.

Abbreviations and Units

Abbreviations that are accepted and recognized as common scientific terminology may be used without definition. All nonstandard abbreviations should be defined at that point in the text where they first appear.


Graphs, diagrams, chromatograms, photos, etc. should be prepared as clear, black and white (no color), original positives, suitable for reproduction. All figures should be embedded within the manuscript, and must be captioned and numbered sequentially.

Tables and Equations

Tables and equations should not be submitted in a format exceeding the A4 page size (in portrait form). All tables should be embedded within the manuscript, and must be captioned and numbered sequentially.


All references should be cited at the end of the paper and listed consecutively as they appear in the text. References should be listed in the text by number in parentheses, for example, (1) or (1–5). The following are formats and examples for citing references:

Journals: (A) first author’s initials followed by the last name; (B) additional authors are listed in the order in which they appear in the original work; (C) title of article (no subtitles) in lower case; (D) Journal abbreviation; (E) volume number, followed by a colon; (F) inclusive page numbers of article; (G) year of publication in parentheses.
Example: 1. B.K. Logan and S. Distefano. Ethanol content of various foods and soft drinks and their potential for interference with a breath-alcohol test. J. Anal. Toxicol. 22: 181–183 (1998).

Books: (A) first author’s initials followed by last name; (B) additional authors (as above); (C) if author is editor, Ed. should follow name; (D) title of book, italicized and upper case; (E) editor, if not listed with authors; (F) publisher; (G) city and state or country of publication; (H) year of publication; (I) specific page numbers or chapters referred to.

1. R.C. Baselt. Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 7th ed. Biomedical Publications, Foster City, CA, 2004, pp 1024–1025.
2. E.J. Cone and A.J. Jenkins. Saliva drug analysis. In Handbook of Analytical Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology, S.H.Y. Wong and I. Sunshine, Eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1997, pp 303–333.

Unpublished works: If an article has been submitted, but has not been published, as much information as possible should be included, such as authors, title, journal, and year. The use of unpublished works is restricted to works “in press”. The volume and page numbers can be added shortly before publication on the laser proofs. The Journal prohibits the use of personal communications.

Patents: (A) list initials followed by last name of person who applied for the patent; (B) country where patent application was filed; (C) patent number; (D) year.
Example: 1. S.T. Preston. U.S. Patent 1234, 1998.

Internet sites: (A) author (if applicable); (B) title of the site; (C) URL; (D) date accessed.
Example: 1. International Journal of Academic Research. Current contents,, May 2009.

Publication Procedure and Peer review policy

Submission of a paper to this journal implies that the manuscript has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journal and that the author(s) have obtained appropriate permission to use data obtained for and contained in the manuscript. Previous presentation at professional meetings should be mentioned in a footnote. All manuscripts are subject to review by two or more independent, anonymous referees chosen by the Editor-in-Chief. If revision is necessary, the author is asked to resubmit the dated, revised manuscript incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the referees within three months. Revisions not received within three months from the date of notice must be resubmitted as a new manuscript with reference to the previous submission. All revisions must be accompanied with a letter detailing the changes made to the original document; changes should also be indicated directly on the manuscript (e.g., underlined or colored text). Revisions will be re-reviewed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. The author of an accepted manuscript will be notified. He/She will receive page proofs (PDF) for proofreading prior to publication. Responsibility for accuracy in the final copy lies with the author. The Editor-in-Chief reserve the right to reject a manuscript without peer review if the manuscript does not comply with the Journal’s Instructions for Authors. All submissions are subject to final approval and acceptance for publication by the Editor-in-Chief.

How the referee is selected

Referees are matched to the paper according to their expertise. Our database is constantly being updated. We welcome suggestions for referees from the author though these recommendations may or may not be used. Referees advise the editors, who are responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article.

How long does the review process take?

Typically the manuscript will be reviewed within four weeks. If the referees’ reports contradict one another or a report is unreasonably delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. Referees may request more than one revision of a manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must explicitly acknowledge all sources of funding and include this information in the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. Authors must also state other potential conflicts of interest, including financial and non-financial, in the cover letter that accompanies the manuscript submission.

The Effect of Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence
*Bashiru Aremu,** Terence McIvor, ***King K. Kwame
* Professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Applied Sciences, Africa International Institute for Professional Training Research, Adam Smith University of America, Correspondence Email:
**Associate Professor of Chemistry & ICT. at Faculty of Applied Sciences, Africa International Institute for Professional Training Research, Adam Smith University of America, London, U.K. Email:
*** Member of Faculty at Faculty of Applied Sciences, Africa International Institute for Professional Training Research, Adam Smith University of America

Information diffusion and virus propagation are fundamental
Processes talking place in networks. While it is often possible to directly observe when nodes become infected, observing individual transmissions (i.e., who infects whom or who influences whom) is typically very difficult. Furthermore, in many applications, the underlying network over which the diffusions and propagations spread is actually unobserved. We tackle these challenges by developing a method for tracing paths of diffusion and influence through networks and inferring the networks over which contagions propagate. Given the times when nodes adopt pieces of information or become infected, we identify the optimal network that best explains the observed infection times. Since the optimization problem is NP-hard to solve exactly, we develop an efficient approximation algorithm that scales to large datasets and in practice gives provably near-optimal performance.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by tracing information cascades in a set of 170 million blogs and news articles over a one year period to infer how information flows through the online media space. We find that the diffusion network of news tends to have a core-periphery structure with a small set of core media sites that diffuse information to the rest of the Web. These sites tend to have stable circles of influence with more general news media sites acting as connectors between them.

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